Title A Fundamental Study on the Dummy Application of Construction Schedule Management
Authors Lee Sang-Beom ; Lee Jin-Ho
Page pp.161-168
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Schedule Management ; Network ; Float ; Dummy ; Logical Dummy Numbering Dummy
Abstract This study is defined a concept though the theoretical study about float, proposed the criterion to the indefinite expression of network scheduling and the application method of dummy Activity. The result is as follows.
First, the logical dummy is to define the relation of activity and to take a characteristic of nothing activity. but it take the same characteristic with the activity so the float system apply to same system with activity as well.
Second, the numbering dummy take the characteristic to change the position by the engineer the float system so the standardization of computation get into difficulty trouble. Thus, this study proposed the new float system which instead of the unconsidered numbering dummy.
Third, the unnecessary dummy is eliminable and joinable when is drawing the network scheduling. As a result of the simple and logical network scheduling is completed and as the numbering dummy exists to the expression. It's not joining the unnecessary dummy.