Title Visualization of Process and Inference of Assemble Sequence Using 3-Dimensional CAD Data
Authors Kim Hyung-Eun ; Kano Naruo
Page pp.179-186
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 3DCAD Data ; Virtual Reality ; Sequence ; Construction Planning
Abstract Virtual Construction Site System aims to develop the rational planning procedure for construction planning, based on the three dimensional data of components of a building using three-dimensional CAD systems or Virtual Reality systems.
In this paper, the authors developed the inferring logics for the sequence of assembling components of a building based on the three-dimensional CAD data. In order to infer the sequence, three dimensional data such as position, direction, scale of components and the relationships to another components are collected from three-dimensional CAD System. Then the logics to infer the sequence developed were applied to the above data set.
The authors applied the logics to planning for steel erection works of a building construction, and proved the validity of the logics, producing rational sequence of the erection works of columns and beams. In addition, the authors clarified the possibility to create the construction schedule based on the network with each erection time which was estimated from the CAD data and a crane attribute.