Title A Strategic Plan of PE System for Enhancing the Global Competitiveness
Authors Kim Sun-Kuk ; Kim Tae-Hui ; Yu Jung-Ho
Page pp.195-202
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Professional Engineer ; Global Competitiveness ; Strategic Plan
Abstract Mutual recognition of professional engineers(PE) and opening of domestic market due to the WTO agreement are encouraging the enhancement of domestic professional engineers' global competitiveness. In this context, this study proposes a strategic improvement plan for PE system to enhance the global competitiveness of domestic professional engineers, through the establishment of the advanced supply and management system of professional engineer.
The main subjects of this study are to present (1) a model of PE qualifying examination institution, (2) an improvement plan for the national technology qualification grading system, and (3) an improvement plan for the classification system of PE licenses. The result of this study will be helpful to develop a confrontation policy against the mutual recognition for professional engineers in the international market.