Title Feng-shui and Ecological Interpretation of Traditional Korean Settlements
Authors Kim Byeong-Ju ; Lee Sang-Hae
Page pp.19-30
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Fengshui ; Donipi Village ; Traditional Settlement ; Traditional Ecology
Abstract This paper, based on the fengshui theory, examines the environmental ecological design aspect of Donipi village, a traditional village in Korea. Fengshui theory had long been acted as a location selection guide for traditional villages by Koreans. In fact, the environmental and ecological aspect found in fengshui theory was one of the design principles of village space composition and landscape design of Korean traditional villages. In this paper, fengshui theory is investigated in terms of ‘metaphysical system of East Asian philosophy’ and ‘traditional geographical location theory’. The metaphysical philosophical system of fengshui can be summarized as vital force, environmental circulation system, and sympathy with nature. The geographical location theory of fengshui treats the contents related to the site conditions of a village for everyday life. Through the case study on Donipi village, in this paper, it is identified that fengshui acted important role as an environmental ecological design theory of Korea traditional village.