Title An Analysis of Residents' Needs for Residents' Common Service Facilities in Apartment Housings Across Family Life Cycle Stages
Authors Shin Yeon-Sub ; Yon Tae-Gyung
Page pp.57-64
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Family Life Cycle Stages ; Residesnts' Common Service Ffacilities ; Needs
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the needs for residesnts' common service facilities of apartment housings across family life cycle stages. The questionnaire survey was adopted in this study, and 217 cases were used for data analysis. Based on the age of the youngest child, the family life cycles used in the study were divided into six stages: no child, early childhood, elementary school, adolescence, adulthood, and three generation family. Also, this study divided the facilities into five spaces; management, education, community, well-being, and many other spaces. The findings showed that the needs for residents' common service facilities across the stages was distinct; families in the stage of no child, elementary school, and adulthood had the growing needs for well-being spaces. Families in the stage of early childhood tend to have education spaces and the stage of adulthood showed their highest needs to well-being and community spaces. Families in the stage of three general family regarded management spaces as important. It was noticed that resident's common service facilities need to be more differential when the combined effect of both family life cycle stages and the sort of service facilities are considered.