Title An Study on the Relationship between Spatial Discourse of the Deleuze and the Flexible Manufacture System
Authors Lee Young-Soo ; Lim Ki-Taek
Page pp.83-92
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Deleuzian Spatial Discourse ; Border-Dismantling ; Post-Fordism ; Flexible Manufacture System
Abstract After the Industrial Revolution, Mass production system had built up and the Social Structure for more profit had changed incessantly. For the need of the times, the Spirit of Modernism had processed its own way, in Architecture, Internationalism had the power all over the world. But, After the World War, questioning the human science and ration from the bottom of our hearts, the Cities all over the world had processed the evolution into postmodern, post-industrial cities. Shifting the plural Heterotopia period not lead by specific ideology, various discourses are performed for analyzing situation. it is made high value on the effective understanding method of nowdays' social, cultural, economical phenomenon. So, it can be analyzed with the post-industrial and Cyber-network era with the Deleuzian Spatial theory. Being Marxist, alternative theorist for the Capitalistic culture and space structure, it is recognized for the Post-Marxist and Anarchistic alternative against the greedy Capitalism. But, the architectural aspects of recent Deleuzian Space tends to act as a spokesman of Capitalist for more profit rather than the alternative for it. so, this study will specify the relationship between the Border dismantling space structure influenced by the discourse of Delueze and Capital(the Flexible Productive System).