Title A Strategy for the Development of Community Buildings
Authors Jang Seong-Jun ; Shon Yun-Kyung
Page pp.59-70
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Community Building ; Development Strategy ; Women Center ; Contextual Centrality ; Functional Integrity ; Economical Appropriateness
Abstract The study intends to suggest some remedies to improve the current development of public community buildings built in central district in new towns. For the purpose it analyzes general situation of them, reveals problems, pull out prime issues. It conducted an in-depth case study over Yongin Women Center and revealed some problems related to the development process and prime issues of the buildings.
In conclusion, the study recommends the next followings: 1) feasibility study should be conducted in dew process and be accompanied with operational income-expenditure plan 2) building program should be based on the issues of contextual centrality, functional complexity and economical appropriateness.