Title A Study on the Expansion of Chamber of Guksajeon in Songgwangsa
Authors Nam Ho-Hyoun ; Kim Hee-Choul
Page pp.173-180
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Kan ; Guksajeon ; Songgwangsa ; Expansion
Abstract Guksajeon in Songgwangsa has an unusual structure different from other general cases. The findings that some literature report the presence of renovation in the past and relevances of this reconstruction with the sixteen national monks seems to be ample evidence to confirm the hypothesis that the units in Guksajeon's front were originally three. It has, however, been extended to four in order to enshrine a portrait of the sixteenth monk, Kobong-Hwasang.
It has a particular meaning in that this study found the change in a main building rather than in any others such as Yosachae or monks' accommodation houses. It can be interpreted that the structural change was deigned not for merely structural purposes but for containing an additional portrait of the national monk. That is a combination of the hardware, the structure and the software, the needs of the users and the time in the reconstruction.