Title Structural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Web Openings
Authors Yang Keun-Hyeok ; Shim Hyun-Ju
Page pp.27-34
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Continuous Deep Beams with Web Openings ; Opening Area Ratio ; Failure Mode ; Load Capacity ; Shear Capacity
Abstract This paper presents the test results of reinforced concrete continuous deep beams with web openings. The main variable investigated were shear span-to-overall depth ratio, and the size and location of web openings. Two failure modes significantly influenced by the size and location of openings were observed, regardless of shear span-to-overall depth ratio. The transition of the failure mode for beams having web openings within exterior shear spans was strongly dependent on the ratio of opening area to shear span area. The normalized load and shear capacities for beams having the opening area ratio of 0.025 within exterior shear spans were approximately similar to those of their companion solid deep beams. On the other hand, both continuous deep beams having openings within interior shear spans and simple deep beams with openings are practically similar in the decreasing rate of the normalized load capacity against the increase of the openings area ratio. The normalized shear capacity of continuous deep beams with web openings was higher than that of simple deep beams with web openings. The difference was more prominent when shear span-to-overall depth ratio was 0.6 rather than 1.0. The mean and standard deviation of the ratio between the predictions obtained from Kong et al.'s equation and experimental shear strength are 1.04 and 0.3, respectively.