Title A Study of the Influential Factors on Customer-Based Apartment Brand Equity
Authors Park Hye-Sung ; Sun Shu-Li ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Customer-based Brand Equity ; Brand Loyalty ; Perceived Quality
Abstract This paper seeks how Customer-Based Apartment Brand Equity is structured by performing and analyzing a survey of impact by constituents of brand equity on brand loyalty. The research focuses on not only escalating an understanding of both brand loyalty, the dependent variable, and individual brand equity elements, the independent variables, but also discovering their interactions, thereby it verifies the marketing variables to be effectively managed in practice. The result derived from the statistical multi-regression analysis demonstrates that the most three influential factors to the brand loyalty are the brand awareness, corporate images, and perceived quality in order. Therefore, in relation to the brand loyalty, the three influential qualities should be prioritized first in an effort to increase the value of brand equity.