Title Effect of Work Flow Stability on Productivity in Construction Field
Authors Park Sang-Jun ; Chun Jae-Youl
Page pp.99-106
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Work Flow ; Productivity ; Flow Production ; Lean Construction
Abstract In traditional production philosophy, productivity improved regularly by new technology. New production philosophy, like that flow production conceives production activities as materials and information flow processes. This philosophy has an advantages over the previous because it differentiates value adding activities and non value adding activities. Reducing the share of non value activities is the target for continuous improvement. Flow production has suggested that better productivity, like that labor and cost performance can be achieved by reducing work flow variability. Flow production has been estimated that it is successful up to date. But it could not be confident of success in domestic construction field because flow production has not enough verified results. This research has suggested the indicators that quantitatively measure work flow variation through three type: input resource, operation process, output production for analyzing correlation with productivity and verifies effect of work flow variation and continuation on productivity through a statistical method by case study. As a result, the control of input resources variation can be a significant management factor in activity of set up mold and characteristic of activities should be reflected in work flow management factors.