Title Improving the Effectiveness of the Occupational Safety and Health Committees on Construction Sites
Authors Ahn Hong-Seob
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Occupational Safety and Health Committees ; Prime-subcontractors Committee for Accident Prevention ; Construction Sites ; Occupational Accidents ; Employer-Worker Involvement
Abstract The function of Occupational Safety and Health Committees(OSHCs) at work place is essential to facilitating involvement of both employers and employees in occupational accident prevention. However, OSHCs have not been worked so well in construction sites because of their temporary and mobile nature themselves based on subcontracting practice. Thus this study conducted comprehensive survey on the constituting and operating status of OSHCs to figure out their limitations and to suggest possible way to improve their function.
According to this study, major limitations of current OSHCs are difficulties in maintaining equal numbers of committee members between employers and employees and selecting the capable delegates of employees, lack of execution power etc. which are originated from the generic nature of construction works beyond contractors' control. Thus, it is recommended that the function of OSHCs has to be integrated into the existing prime-subcontractors committees which are being held more frequently than OSHCs between prime contractors and their subcontractors on sites.