Title Modeling of Apartment Defect Management System applying UML
Authors Go Seong-Seok ; Lee Han-Min
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Unified Modeling Language ; Object Modeling Technique ; Apartment Defect Management
Abstract UML, Unified Modeling Language, is a visual language to express easily the structure and dynamic(dynamic behavior form or attribution) for business or various kinds of system and a modeling orthography of global standard. It is also possibile to make a system development to utilize visual representations in various fields; planning, designing, manufacturing to distributing. Using the UML, it could be decreased the gap of communication between user and developer, and exactly know the demand of user. Engineers or technicians can also participate directly in designing of system model. The defect management in apartment building is carried out after construction, which is different from the system when designing or constructing. Accordingly it is difficult to unify the management system because of the application of new methods and materials. However, if the merit of UML is applied it could be solved the problems that is caused in defects control of apartment building. In Korea, researches on defect management are in progress, however there are many problems due to the various apartments, new construction method and new material. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the defect management system with the problems. For these reasons, this study aims to model the defect management system applying UML easy to design and change systems.