Title The Traditional House Type at the Housing Site of the Gongju's Civic Center
Authors Han Pil-Won
Page pp.179-190
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Gongju ; Civic Center ; Housing Site ; Lot Pattern ; House Type ; Traditional House ; Layout Pattern
Abstract The objective of this research is to clarify the typological characteristics of the traditional house type at the civic center of Gongju. The spatial structure of the civic center was formed in 1930s by overlapping a grid street pattern on the organic street system.
Through the research, it is found out that the traditional house type has common characteristics as follows; The mode of lot area is 125㎡, which is similar with those of other house types. The mode of lot's front-side ratio is 0.75, which is smaller than those of other house types. The lots are generally accessed by a road narrower than 12m, and some lots are accessed by the flagpole-shape lot. The layout patterns are classified into 8 patterns, which are selected in consideration of access road, and the privacy and orientation of both a building and a courtyard. The spatial organizations of the traditional houses show both the gradual transformation of a local house type and its reproduction.