Title Influence of Damaged Inside Finish Material for Insulation on the Condensation and Efficient Finish Material to Prevent Interstitial Condensation in Curtain Wall System
Authors Song Seung-Yeong ; Kang Ga-Yeong ; Yeo Myoung-Souk ; Kim Kwang-Woo
Page pp.241-249
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Curtain Wall ; Interstitial Condensation ; Inside Finish Material for Insulation ; Heat and Moisture Transfer Simulation
Abstract Inside vapour tightness of the structure is very important to prevent interstitial condensation. In curtain wall system, inside finish material for insulation is often taking a role of vapour retarder. However, inside finish material for insulation is easily torn during the construction period due to its weakness. It may cause vapour diffusion and interstitial condensation. Thus this study aims to suggest the efficient inside finish material for insulation to prevent interstitial condensation in curtain wall system.
As results of 2 dimensional unsteady state heat and moisture transfer simulation, it is confirmed that interstitial condensation occurs seriously when the inside finish material for insulation is torn. Aluminum foil adhered to kraft paper or PVC film reinforced with yarn are suggested as alternatives for inside finish material for insulation.