Title A Comparative Study on Residential Satisfaction based on the Marketing Factors of Well Being Apartment
Authors Je Hae-Soeng ; Lee Jae-Hyuk ; Kim Kyung-Hoon
Page pp.57-66
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Well-Being ; Apartment ; Newspaper Advertisement ; Level of Preference ; Level of Satisfaction
Abstract This study aims to find out the meaning of well-being in architecture and other fields and evaluate residential satisfaction based on marketing factors of well-being apartments. This study defines well-being apartment as high quality housing that residentsare satisfied with the physical environment for their happiness and health. As a marketing strategy, homebuilders advertise to consumers various well-being features that their apartment products have equipped with and proud of. This study hascarried out content analysis method and analyzed newspaper advertisements from 2003 to 2004 to find out the well-being features that the homebuilders want to emphasize at the advertisements. The study has also employed a survey method to find out the residential satisfaction and preference on the well-being features of apartments and the survey has compared between the accredited green building and non accredited. The results are: 1) The overall residential satisfaction of the accredited green building is higher than non-accredited. 2) The green building residents are more satisfied with outdoor spaces than residential units 3) The Unit design is considered to be more important than outdoor space design 4) the alternative energy use is going to be necessary in the future. 5) The improvement of unit design is considered to be important in order to satisfy resident's concern on well-being