Title A Study on the Function and Relations of the Related Parties in the Development of Urban-Architecture as Private Projects in Korea
Authors Cho Chang-Hee ; Kim Nam-Ung
Page pp.119-128
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Architecture ; Development Project ; Role of Architects
Abstract This paper analyze the actual condition and presenting the way of improving the role of architects to improve the quality of urban architecture. First, to improve the architect's role in improving the quality of urban architecture, it is necessary to keep complimentary relationship with a developer by adjusting development density and suggesting profits from cultural value. Second, taking bankers as a second client, it is required to accomplish the original proposal by showing diverse cases inside and outside of country to them. Third, with public agencies, it is necessary to resolve all sorts of problems by participating in legislation of related laws. Moreover, opinions to a deliberative council and solutions to the difficulties of application of new laws need to be prepared. The point of development projects is profit without any question. However, it is the first step for architects to become mediators in urban development projects to make them better and the development projects in those areas will be valued much higher than any others culturally and economically.