Title The Influence of an Agronomical Theory on the Art of French 'Jardin d'agrement'
Authors Kim Won-Shik
Page pp.195-204
ISSN 12269093
Keywords d'agrement ; Jacques Boyceau ; Theory of Agriculture in the 17th Century
Abstract There had been numerous descriptions, illustrations, and pattern-books of garden since the sixteenth century. However, an autonomous theory of gardening did not emerge until the beginning of eighteenth century, with the codification of the formal French garden in Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville's for example. Anyway, during the sixteenth and seventeenth century, several writers and theoreticians of agronomy like Boyceau, de Serres, Claude and Andre Mollet cast their schemes onto the earlier modest utilitarian gardens. The literature on the art of gardening, which involves agriculture on the one hand and both architecture and other visual arts on the other, played a critical role in the development and evolution in the art of gardening. As Boyceau was the only and first who treat garden as the main theme in his book with logic and consistency, we will focus particularly on his thought and ideas in this article. The article will be restricted mainly to an analysis of literal sources and pay attention to the theory of agriculture and gardening and their relationships.