Title Understanding Minimum Neighborhood Units in Historic Residential Districts
Authors Park So-Hyun ; Choi Yee-Myung ; Seo Han-Lim
Page pp.223-231
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Historic Residential District ; Neighborhood Unit ; Bukchon ; Cluster Analysis
Abstract It is a desirable trend that the conservation of historic residential districts is recently pursued as an issue of making livable neighborhoods. In order to provide a neighborhood planning basis for a historic residential district, this paper seeks a practical method that draws compact neighborhood units where minimum facilities are maintained. Through the literature reviews, field observations, site analyses, as well as GIS and SPSS Cluster Analysis of immediate neighborhood facilities and street accessibilities, this paper preliminarily constructs a synthesized method of extracting minimum neighborhood units within a historic residential district. Applying the synthesized method to the case of the Bukchon community in city center Seoul, this paper identifies thirteen minimum neighborhood units within the Bukchon district, each of which is equivalent to approximately a 110-meter radius area. The thirteen minimum neighborhood units, to be modified by the social and perceptual factors of neighborhood planning in the next research phases, would serve as a useful reference for future revitalization of the historic residential district.