Title A Study of Piping Network Analysis on the Performance Improvement of Cold & Hot Water Manifold System on Applying to Advance Valves in High-rise Residential Buildings
Authors Seok Ho-Tae ; Cho Kyung-Jae ; Cha Min-Chul
Page pp.251-258
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Cold & Hot Water Manifold System ; Piping Network Analysis ; High-rise Residential Buildings ; Water Hammering
Abstract Recently, As the residential building becomes large-scale and high-rise, the water supply pressure go up. The water hammering is problem on cold & hot water manifold system by quick closure of valve. It bring on junction vice-leakage and damage of machinery and tools. It is required to a appropriate solution in occurring water hammering and discomfortable use of cold & hot water manifold system on account of the difference of water supply pressure on top and bottom floor.
Thus, the purpose of this study is to present plan data for performance improvement of cold & hot water manifold system through finding out factors of cold & hot water system and evaluating performance cold & hot water manifold system with piping network analysis.