Title A Study on the Actual Condition of the Indoor Air Quality in the New Apartment House
Authors Han Kil-Won ; Kim Hyun-Jin ; Cheong Chang-Heon ; Kim Yun-Deok ; Lee Yun-Gyu
Page pp.267-274
ISSN 12269093
Keywords New Apartment House ; Indoor Air Quality ; Guideline
Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the actual condition of indoor air quality in the new apartment house. So the measurement was conducted on the 387 samples located in Seoul and the metropolitan area by environmental standard method for indoor air quality. Because there are about 50% of new apartment house. The concentration was analyzed about basic character, measurement area and architecture materials, according to the indoor air quality guideline of new apartment house issued by the Ministry of Environment. As a result, this study generally found out that formaldehyde and toluene were higher and benzene was too lower than the guideline without regard to grouping.