Title The Design of Tensegrity Structure Using Triangular Cable Net
Authors Park Chan-Soo ; Choi Sun-Young
Page pp.59-66
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Tensegrity ; Mechanism ; Geometrical Stability ; Self-Stress ; Form Finding ; Triangulated Tensile Surface
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the natural characteristics of tensegrity systems such as mechanisms, geometrical stability and morphological composition, and to explore the method generating their modules and the procedure transforming them. The system's structural principles, according to the extended definition proposed by R. Motro, is achieved and the modules of basic patterns being considered as a fundamental unit are introduced. Subsequently, an example of tensegrity prototype or module transformed is presented to illustrate the feasibility and procedure of transformations from polyhedral tensile-surface enclosing or constituting it to triangular one. And the effectiveness as a lightweight structure is also considered.