Title Properties of Bond Mortar using Recycled Fine Aggregates
Authors Shin Han-Woo ; Choi Hee-Bok ; Lee Seong-Soo ; Seo Deok-Seok ; Kang Kyung-In
Page pp.83-90
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Recycled Fine Aggregate ; Bond Mortar ; Compressive Strength ; Bending Stiffness ; Absorption ; Drying Shrinkage
Abstract This paper investigates the properties of bond mortar using the recycled fine aggregates which is produced by concrete wastesd. The mortar flow, compressive strength, bending stiffness, absorption, drying shrinkage and penetration resistance are tested by the rate of the recycled fine aggregate mixture, the water-cement ratio and the water-sand ratio. The results are as follows. 1) The mortar flow diminished compared to NFA. 2) Compressive strength reduced 20% by the replacement ratio change. 3) Bending strength is reduced similar to the compressive strength. 4) The water absorption increased by the w/c ratio. 5) Drying Shrinkage 1.88×10-4 showed the change in replacement ratio 30% degree. 6) Penetration resistance occurs early but the setting time is late compared to the NFA.