Title An Architectural Characteristics of Beaux-Arts Architecture in American Floor Plan and Facade
Authors Kim Jin-Youp ; Kim Jung-Gon
Page pp.21-28
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Ecole des Beaux-Arts ; The Plan ; The Facade ; Method of Plan Composition ; Beaux-Arts in America
Abstract The Culture of architecture has been having a vulnerability which came after accepting western architecture once over lightly, and also the negative aspect of the modern architecture was inherited without passing it through a filter. The purpose of this research is to survey the architectural characteristics of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, which has affected a lot to the American architecture. Through this, it could give a more various aspects of Modern architecture of the American architecture. Ecole des Beaux-Arts pursued eternal values based on historicity. So design programs are concentrated on transformation of the classical ornament. But structural rationalists tried to create the architectural form based on structural, material authority. Architectural education at America was influenced from the first by the principles and methods of Ecole des Beaux-Arts. American Beaux-Arts system emphasizing reason, construction, and classical examples but also on its transformation and progressive development from reflected on the design principles focusing on the expression of parti, as the Ecole Beaux-Arts design method, both of which are planning idea and poche to indicate structure.