Title An Analysis of Remodeling Preferences and Demands of Apartment Residents in the Seoul Metropolitan Area
Authors Choi Jae-Pil ; Ryu Jeong-Won ; Park Young-Sup ; Lee Joo-Hyuk ; Kang Hyo-Jeong
Page pp.103-110
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Aged Apartments ; Remodeling ; Resident's Preferences ; Resident's Demands ; Perception
Abstract This study examines and analyses the preferences and demands of apartment residents regarding aged apartment remodeling, and constructs a classified database of their preferences and needs. The constructed database then becomes a guideline to developing remodeling methods. The data were collected through an on-line internet survey, targeted to apartment residents, ages 30 or over, residing in the Seoul metropolitan area. The data has been classified by social and demographic aspects (gender, age, income, number of family members) and also by residential aspects (form of ownership, age of apartment, location, size, number of bedrooms), and were synthesized by spatial types. Remodeling demands were ranked in the order of balconies, dining-kitchens, restrooms and auxiliary (storage) rooms, while the demanded form of remodeling were ranked in the order of space expansion, usage alterations and addition in numbers. Analysis of the data revealed that the age of the residents, the age of the apartments and the size of the apartments are the key factors in determining the ranking of remodeling demands.