Title A Study on Selecting Key Factors of Design Management Considering Current Situation of Design Process
Authors Choi Yeon-Ju ; Yi June-Seong ; Bae Jeung-Ick
Page pp.111-118
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Design Management ; Management Factor ; Design Collaboration ; Optimization
Abstract Recently, increase in number of participants in a architectural design project emphasized the importance of design management and collaboration among participants. The purpose of this study is to propose key factors in design management for the optimization of design process. A survey on current situation of design process is performed and statistical methods were used to propose key factors for design management.
Key factors are derived from three categories - task management, information management, and design collaboration management. Detailed guidelines on how to manage key factors efficiently are suggested. Further research will focus on the development of applicable solution and specialized management system not only for the key factors in design management but also for the optimization of overall design process.