Title A Study on Analysis With Present Conditions of Itemized List of The Facilities for The Physically Handicapped
Authors Seo Hee-Sook ; Lee Sang-Hong ; Ha Jae-Myung
Page pp.81-88
ISSN 12269093
Keywords The Physically Handicapped ; Convenient Facilities ; An Apartment Housing
Abstract The purpose of this study was analyzing with present conditions of itemized list of the facilities for the physically handicapped focused on the Apartment Housing in Daegu. The number of an acquired, congenital and passing handicapped is increasing at present, In the case of acquired physically handicapped is on the increase the number of accidents every year. It shows decrease as compared with every handicapped, but It hold fifty percent of every handicapped. The Apartment Housing is comprised in the limit of application of the Facilities, but It is included under approach, parking area, entrance. Then, There is much to be desired standard of establishment in connection with housing. This study of approach to Apartment unit have make to the study seem smaller, therefore because of the Housing is very important matter in your life needed careful concern.
This research look forward to analyzing with present conditions of itemized list of the facilities and remedy find out. And this study is imbued with a sense of purpose to furnish base data for a residence environment of high quality for the handicapped and a resident at Apartment Housing.