Title A Study on Selection of a Control Slope for the Improvement of Performance and Evaluation of Daylight Responsive Dimming Systems
Authors Lee Soon-Ji ; Joo Keun-Tak ; Choi An-Seop
Page pp.321-328
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Daylight Responsive Dimming Systems ; Control Slope ; Sky Condition for Calibration ; System Evaluation ; Reduction Ratio of Energy Consumptions
Abstract The daylight responsive dimming system, which uses daylight and automatically controls the brightness of electric lighting, according to the amount of daylight coming into the indoor, as well as always maintains target illuminance, is an energy saving type system. The control slope that determines the dimming percent for dimming ballast to operate this system efficiently should be decided exactly. This research conducted the performance assessment applying daylight responsive dimming systems to an actual space, and supplemented control slope in all the sky condition for the evaluation of the system. In addition, we revaluated a system by modified control slope and measured amounts of the reduction ratio of energy consumptions, which showed the mount of energy savings in a real office space.