Title Vibration Control of a Structure Using Toggle Brace and Rotational Inertia Damper
Authors Hwang Jae-Seung
Page pp.85-94
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Rotational Inertia Damper ; Toggle Brace ; Vibration Control
Abstract In this paper, a new vibration control device, rotational-inertia damper, by which the equivalent mass and damping of a structure is increased simultaneously is presented. In order to enhance the vibration control effect, new toggle-brace configurations considering the stiffness ratio of damper to structure are also developed. The vibration control system, rotational-inertia dampers combined with toggles, can be utilized effectively even in structures with small drift. Numerical analysis shows that the performance of the rotational inertia damper is further enhanced with the addition of viscous or friction damping mechanism. It is also observed that as the lead of the ball-screw decreases the equivalent mass and damping of the structure and consequently the vibration control effect of the rotational inertia damper increase significantly.