Title Hysteretic Behavior of Flat Plate Slab-Column Connections Subjected to Lateral Load
Authors Shin Sung-Woo ; Ahn Jong-Mun ; Han Byum-Seok ; Choi Myung-Shin
Page pp.95-103
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Flat Plate Structure ; Slab-Column Connection ; Hysteretic Behavior ; Unbalanced Moment Transfer ; Eccentric Shear Stress Model ; Gravity Shear Ratio
Abstract An experimental study was conducted to study the hysteretic behavior of slab-column connections under lateral load. Test variables include gravity shear ratio(Vg/Vo=0.3, 0.5) and flexural reinforcement ratio(ρ=0.01, 0.015) of slab within the effective width of c+3h. The strength and ductility of the test specimens were evaluated in accordance with gravity shear ratios and slab reinforcement ratios. The shear strength predicted by current design code compared with the experimental results. The results showed that the effect of slab flexural reinforcement ratio needs to be considered in the evaluation of the shear strength of the slab-column connections. In addition with respect to the gravity shear ratio ACI 318-05 drift limit exhibits appropriate lower bound for available existing experimental data.