Title An Improvement of Apartment Finishing Work Processfor Cost Management
Authors Lee Hoon-Ku ; Kim Moow-Joong ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.199-206
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Cost Management ; Finishing Work Process ; Finishing Information System ; IDEF(Integrated computer aided manufacturing DEFinition)
Abstract The pre-design phase on construction management is relatively more influential than other phases on a project life as a whole. Especially the diversified customer demands on apartment housing trigger cost variances even on the floors with the same condition according to finishing material alteration. As a result, the system that validates the feasibility studies more precisely is required.
Accordingly, this paper suggests the improved plan of cost management to control the feasibility study result consistently during project life cycle using the cost management system, and performed modeling about this improved process to solve cost management problems of current housing process