Title A Study on the Urban Design Guideline for Regeneration of Commercial Building
Authors Kim Joo-Hyun ; Ha Jae-Myung
Page pp.203-210
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Renovation ; Commercial Building ; Urban Design Guideline ; Urban Central Region in Singapore
Abstract This study is related to a guidance of commercial building renovations in the central region of Singapore. The objective is based on "Envelope Control Plan" within the control plan of urban development. For this study, we examined the Urban Control Guidance and Urban Development Plan and pursued on a field survey of related, several projects in Singapore.
The result of this study can be summarized as follows; The purpose of commercial building renovations in Singapore is to upgrade and create a new image of space, In the renovation process regional environment could be improved and urban public space could be also revitalized for various activities.
For this purpose Singapore has established a renovation Control Guidance, which comprise several design items as follows; 1)The Concept for planning and designing of renovation is focused on the balance of development in a local district. 2)The use of land is determined by the residents' requests and regional development's feasibility studies, which is divided into the three groups such as commercial, residential, and combinational area. 3)The Plot Ratio means the volume of development, and that limits the coverage ratio of a building. 4)To propose the building's height, it is expressed by a number of building story, which the development ought to be incorporated and coordinated within neighborhood and surrounding environment. 5) For the guidance of urban design, which consists of building edge, covered walkway, setback and roof form, and which is related in concept of development, regional location, street environment that can be differed by uniqueness of each place. 6)Parking lots are for residents and urban visitors' use and that shall be provided within the site boundary of each development parcel.