Title A Model of the Strategic Coordination System between CM companies for Continuous Improvement of the Domestic CM Market
Authors Kim Seon-Gyoo
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Management Market ; Partnering ; Joint Venture ; Strategic Alliance ; SAaP
Abstract Despite of the overall downward in the construction industry, a size of the construction management market in Korea have been rapidly expanded from 10.2 billion won at 2001 year to about 220 billion won at 2005 year in figure of almost over 50-100% growth every year. However, many construction management expertises are worried about current abnormal CM market situations in view of legal, or non-legal aspects such as an excessive market share by one CM company, over bidding competitions between CM companies, lack of technical abilities, lack of CM specialists, and so on.
This paper proposes to a model of the strategic coordination system between CM companies in Korea for continuous expanding and improving the domestic CM market, called as 'A Model of Strategic Alliance applying Partnering concept, SAaP' through applying a concept of partnering, joint venture and strategic alliance appropriately and selectively, based on the questionnaire survey about the current CM market situations.