Title A Study on the Preference about Residential Environment based on the Residential Type in Earth Housing
Authors Jeong Joo-Seong ; Kim Jeong-Gyu
Page pp.49-56
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Earth Housing ; Residential Environment ; Residential Consciousness ; Preference
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate residential characters and consciousness about housing environment concerned with earth housing, and to suggest basic data reflectible on the planning of earth housing. Residential characters and consciousness are investigated with one hundred fifty habitants and visitors in earth housing located in nationwide scale through interviews and questionnaire. The habitants totally show more affirmative responses about residential environment than the visitors, external image, functionality, amenity, usability, convenience, statical and dynamic ambiences are shown as important factors to residential consciousness of habitants and visitors. The difference is also shown in the viewpoint of residential environment about earth housing between visitors and habitants according to each characteristic.
These results are considered to disprove earth housing do not properly reflect various demands of habitants. For this, actual data based on regional and sectional characteristics should be accumulated with consciousness that more systematic approach is needed in earth housing than until now.