Title A Study on the Curved Form Architecture and Materialization into Glass Skin
Authors Ryu Chang-Su
Page pp.119-128
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Free Form Surface ; Double Curved Surface ; Glass Skin ; Surface Approximation
Abstract Increasing numbers of architects are being inspired by the curvilinear surface which is primarily initiated by introduction of generative digital media into the architectural design process, overcoming limits of orthogonal building configurations within the Cartesian grid. And their formal repertoire is justified in terms of various theories and grammars focusing on their form-generation process, and it is being exercised into more and more daring extremes. In contrast, the study on the actual production and building process of freely curved surfaces remain very initial and fragmentary status, and their material and economic constraints affecting how to construct the curved surface have not been sufficiently investigated.
This study is to offer an insight into freely curved surfaces required for their materialization into architectural glass skins based on their formal characteristic and material requirements, bridging the gap between architects' freedom of formal exercise in curvilinearity and sophisticated materialization process.