Title The Study on the Influence of Da-bo Pagoda in Korean Pagoda Development in 8~9Century
Authors Kim Bue-Dyel ; Cho Jeong-Sik
Page pp.145-154
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Da-bo Pagoda ; Architecture Elements ; Design ; Korean Stone Pagoda Development
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the Da-bo pagoda in Korean pagoda development. Da-bo pagoda study has been regarded as anomaly pagoda but at the same time, it has been judged the most beautiful formative arts.
This study deals with 34 pagodas that were designated cultural assets by government. Every case has been classified with architectural element and design element. The results of this study are as follows; the 1st, the pagoda which had been constructed before Da-bo pagoda expressed the architectural elements with each small stone. The 2nd, architectural element disappeared in the pagoda which had been appeared in Da-bo pagoda, while design element been focused on the surface of pagoda. The 3rd, after Da-bo pagoda, pagoda has been developed in two ways. One is Seok-ga pagoda genealogy, the other is Da-bo pagoda genealogy. Da-bo genealogy is classified in three ways again. One is that 3-dimensional ornament convert into 2-dimensional design. Another is the formal change as like Wha-eum temeple 5th stories pagoda, on the basis of anomaly form. The other is Bu-do that was affected by Da-bo pagoda octagonal plan.