Title An Characteristic Analysis of the Making Inroads into Oversea Construction Market
Authors Kim Jin-Wook ; Kang Boo-Seong
Page pp.189-196
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Oversea Construction Market ; High Rise Residence ; Construction Industry
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the business character of a foreign construction market by Korean construction firm.. Korean contractors have history of their four decades of construction experience abroad. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Korean contractors have applied advanced construction techniques across the globe. They have worked side by side with some of the world's leading construction firms, participated in a wide variety of public and private sector projects, and established a reputation for quality and cost-effectiveness in the process.
This research includes the analysis of market trends and policies in relevant countries. It will be helpful to provide perspectives and options for Korean construction companies, researchers and government offices in response to changing business conditions abroad.
Today environment of construction business is rapidly changing, and domestic construction demand slowly falls off in Korea. So we have to open new abroad construction market and we have to focus to technology integrated market like as tall building which is widely expanded in Asian market. As conclusion we analyze residential and office architecture construction characteristic.