Title A Study on Dwellers Alteration of the Busan Apartment Characteristics
Authors Chung Ji-Young
Page pp.223-230
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment ; Alteration ; Characteristics of Dwellers
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine residential alteration with residents' characteristics and investigate into actual conditions of residential alteration.
The results of the frequent pattern of alteration in the apartment dwelling unit were the alteration of spread a space(includes set op or remove a window or door, a wall or partition, remove a doorsill), storage(includes set up a built in furniture, a storage, a shelf), equipments(includes electric wiring, install a water system, shift a work party of kitchen, shift equipments of bathroom), and decorative installation(includes modificate size of window or door, modificate a ceiling or floor, set up a interior garden, a pechka, homebar). The probability patterns of alteration by apartment dwellers were composed of households' characteristics which included the family type, income, age of households, educational background of households, length of dwelling, size of house.