Title A Study on The Adopting Decentralized Energy Supplying System in Urban Area
Authors Lee Kang-Guk ; Hong Won-Hwa
Page pp.239-246
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Decentralized Energy Supplying System ; Energy-consumption ; Basic Unit ; Mesh Data
Abstract The purpose of this study is to facilitate adopting a Decentralized energy supplying System and select the area of fixed scale district or region in order to establish a supplying system of urban energy that is safe and efficient and the result of this study is as following. 1. In observing the monthly power load of the target studying area, while the power load during the laying period is decreasing from February, the demand is naturally increasing from May showing maximum load from the end of July to the early part of August. Thanks to the influence of cooling load in the summertime, a yearly maximum power builds up from the end of July to the early part of August and gradually decreases from starting of September and naturally increases from November due to heating energy consumption. 2. In observing daily and hourly average power load of the target studying area, while the maximum power load occurs around 20:00 hours after sunset of intensive heating and lightening load during laying period, it rapidly decreased after 21:00 hours displaying minimum energy consumption around 04:00 hours and again rapid increase before and after 08:00 hours of morning rush hours. 3. While 89% of urban Mesh in the target studying area demand under 10(Tcal/104㎡/year), they study showed that there are other 3.4% regions that demand 15-20(Tcal/104㎡/year) energy. 4. When applying the Decentralized energy supplying System in an individual building of target studying area, it doesn't necessary mean that all the generated energy can be used for heat demand season and load fluctuation as per time. In applying the Decentralized energy supplying System, it is determined that there must be a significant consideration according to usage or type of an individual building, heating power demand and other considerations of land usage type according to regions and districts. 5. The Decentralized energy supplying System adopted Mesh of target studying area is selected among the Mesh that uses more than 1(Tcal/104㎡/year) heat.