Title A Study on the Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Waterproofing Work of Residential Building Basements
Authors Kim Sang-Gab ; Cho Kyu-Man ; Kim Chung-Yung ; Hong Taehoon ; Hyun Chang-Taek ; Koo Kyo-Jin
Page pp.95-103
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Life Cycle Cost Analysis ; Basement Waterproofing ; Cost Breakdown Structure ; Cement Waterproofing Method
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) model for the waterproofing work at the basement walls of residential buildings. Recently, most of the basement structures for the completed residential buildings in domestic has used cement waterproofing method, which is applied for interior wall part in the basement, due to inexpensive initial costs. However, there is not consideration regarding LCCA including maintenance costs, replacement costs and associated costs, etc. in the selecting for the cement waterproofing method. Thus, this study develops a cost break-down structure for waterproofing work, analyzes life cycle cost and calculates then break-even point for each construction method which is widely applied in the domestic construction industry. For the uncertainty in the LCCA, the stochastic simulation methodology is used in this study. It is expected that the proposed LCCA model can support the decision-making when selecting cost-effective waterproofing method for the residential building's basement structures.