Title A Study on the Development of Drying Shrinkage-Reducing Type Superplasticizer
Authors Han Cheon-Goo ; Lee Seong-Yeun ; Oh Chi-Hyun ; Shin Jae-Kyung
Page pp.105-112
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Superplasticizer ; Aqueous Type Expansive Admixture ; Anti Foaming Agent ; Drying Shrinkage
Abstract In this paper, optimal mixture combination of drying shrinkage reducing type of superplasticizer(DSRS) was discussed to achieve advanced workability and quality improvement of concrete. According to test results, an increase of superplasticizer dosages resulted in an increase in slump and air content, while decreased bleeding markedly. Increase in aqueous type expansive admixture did not affect on the slump and increase in anti foaming agent resulted in decrease in slump and air content. For compressive strength, the use of superplasticizer decreased compressive strength compared to that of conventional concrete. The use of aqueous type expansive admixture did not affect on the compressive strength. The use of anti foaming agent increased the compressive strength to the level of conventional concrete. The use of superplasticizer and aqueous type expansive admixture resulted in a reduction in drying shrinakge remarkably. In the sphere of this paper, optimal combination of each admixture to make DSRS is fixed at 1(superplasticizer):0.5(aqueous type expansive admixture):0.0017(anti foaming agent).