Title A Study on the Establishment of Planning Criteria for Sustainable Super High-rise Residential Complex through Practicing Architects' Survey
Authors Lee Kyu-In ; Park Sang-Hyun
Page pp.63-72
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Sustainable Development ; Super High-rise Residential Complex ; Planning Criteria ; Practicing Architects'
Abstract This study intends to establish planning criteria based on sustainable development concept for super high-rise residential complex. For that purpose, the 10 main issues(land use, transport and communication, energy use, resource use and reuse, ecological environment, indoor environment, social & cultural environment, self-support, social mixture, safety and disaster prevention) were derived from the UN Habitat Agenda, and 49 planning indicators were selected from domestic and foreign green building certification criteria(KGBC, BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE). Preliminary planning criteria were then set through analyses of 33 high-rise residential complexes, followed by surveys among practicing architects, which resulted in 22 planning standards for sustainability. The standards can be applied to access sustainability level of super high-rise residential complex and also used planning standards.