Title A Study on The Energy and Water Circulating System Shift by The Eco-systems of Buildings
Authors Cho Jin-Kyun ; Kim Hyeon-Soo ; Kim Byung-Seon
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Eco-system ; Exergy-Entropy ; Energy ; Water ; Circulating System
Abstract More than 60% of people all over the world are living in urban areas, and all of them try to keep expanding their own area, so a lot of buildings are concentrated in it. Moreover, the people and buildings keep spending water and energy, and it makes excessive shifting or problems of circulating system. Energy and water circulating systems are causes or effects from urban problems, so the aim of this study is to reduce unstable circulating system and to control the factors. To solve the problems of building and urban environment, research of energy and water circulation in building with green building method and minimizing causes of problems is very important. (1) All circulation systems have the process that is from consumption to release. It is from exergy to entropy in energy, and it is from water supply to sewage in water. (2) Entropy and sewage can be controlled as eco-system is applied and as the exergy and water supply are controlled in a building which is micro aspect. This method saves energy and minimized the environmental pollutants with improving circulating systemthat have excessive consumption and release. (3) Primarily, matters' release from a building which can be environmental problemsfor urban area in terms of micro aspect can be reduced by controlling them in the building. Consequently, when a eco-system is planned, the not only energy saving factors but also environmental factors have to be examined practically.