Title Effectiveness Analysis for Maintenance Management System of Users' Claims in Office Building
Authors Kwak Ro-Yeul ; Yim Dong-Soon
Page pp.193-200
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Maintenance Management ; Helpdesk Service ; User’s Claim ; Degree of Busyness ; Queueing Simulation
Abstract It is necessary to correspond to building users’ claims rapidly as much as possible in order to satisfy user's need, because the final target of building maintenance service is user of building. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether maintenance management organizations effectively and efficiently respond to users’ claims or not, and evaluate service response characteristics of maintenance management organizations using a conceptual index, degree of busyness. Throughout queueing simulation analysis, the efficiency characteristics of building maintenance management organization’s claim responses such as mean time to repair and utilization of maintenance personnels were derived, and, it can be seen that service time to user’s claim tends to delay when a claim occurs in frequent intervals.