Title A Study on the Characteristics of Residents' Behavior Setting and the Spatial Interaction in the Living Space
Authors Kim Dong-Wook ; Choi Jun-Hyuck
Page pp.41-48
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Living Space ; Resident ; Behavior Setting ; Spatial Interaction
Abstract The aim of this study is to find out and gather formation and interaction in living space within houses, in order to reconsider the meaning of living space in today's korean home. Basic data were collected from a plan which shows a scene of daily living situation(positions, postures and activities of family members or guests). Plans were drawn by students(subjects) themselves based on their own houses. Those students belong to the department of interior architecture. Area, the number of room and equipment of korean house have raised the level quantitatively. But it must be recognized to improve the settings so as to afford diverse people's interactions. In other words, living places in a house haven't matures as a unit of living in a city. In this study we intended to clarify in these questions. 100 subjects drew plans(scale 1:100) of their houses and plans(scale 1:50) of behavior settings. 200 sheets of behavior settings pattern were analysed. The results of analysis are as follows. As for "postures of gathering", formations in which sitting, seating and lying postures exist simultaneously were observed and the inevitable reasons for it were pointed out. As for "gathering formations and interactions", issues of multi-focus setting and meaning of unified formations in which each participant is able to have loose interaction were clarified. As for "relation between size and shape of gathering", two kinds of circles(diameter 1.2m and 3.6m) and different meaning of each circle were found.