Title An Analytical Model for High-rise Wall-frame with Outrigger Systems
Authors Bang Min-Sik ; Choi Eun-Hee ; Kim Jin-Man ; Lee Jae-Hong
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Wall-frame with Outrigger Trusses ; Shear-flexural Cantilever ; Rotational Spring ; Static Analysis
Abstract In this paper, this study come to develop that more efficient and economical model at early design stage. the governing equations of the wall-frame with outrigger truss systems are formulated through the continuum approach and the whole structure is idealized as a shear-flexural cantilever with rotational spring. The effect of shear deformation and flexural deformation of the wall-frame and outrigger trusses are considered and incorporated in the formulation of the governing equations. A displacement based one-dimensional finite element model is developed to predict lateral drift of wall-frame with outrigger trusses structures under horizontal loads. Numerical static results are obtained and compared with previously available results and the values obtained from the finite element package MIDAS. The proposed method is found to be simple and efficient, provides reasonably accurate results in early design stage of tall building structures.