Title A Study on Application of Bi-directional High Pressure Pile Load Test(BDH PLT) for Pile Load Test of Large-diameter Drilled Shaft
Authors Kim Sung-Su ; Kim Sang-Il ; Choi Youg-Kyu
Page pp.45-54
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Large Diameter Drilled Shaft ; Bi-directional High Pressure Pile Load Test(BDH PLT) ; High-rise Building
Abstract BDH PLT (this is, Bi-directional High pressure Pile Load Test) is a pile load test using high pressure double-acting oil jack and can be applied to overcome the problems of loading capacity and construction field conditions.In this study, to confirm the bearing capacity and the settlement of large-diameter drilled shafts of high-rise building, the BDH PLT was suggested. Also, BDH PLT was applied to 2 large-diameter drilled shafts of high-rise building. Bases on the analysis of the results, quality assurance, confirmation of the base resistance and frictional resistance and reduction effect of foundation construction cost were analysed.