Title |
Analysis of Interior Color Status in the Welfare Facility for the Elderly in Cheongju |
Keywords |
Interior Color ; Welfare Facility for the Elderly ; Senior Welfare Center ; Moon-Spencer's Theory of Color Harmony |
Abstract |
Recently Korea has become an aging society rapidly, but the welfare facilities for the elderly are insufficient and the elderly's visual characteristics aren't reflected when interior colors are used in the welfare facilities for the elderly. The purpose of this study is to analyse the interior color status of the senior welfare centers. On each space of the 3 senior welfare centers in Cheongju, Munsell hue, Munsell value, and Munsell chroma were measured. And the space arrangements of color and the color harmony by Moon-Spencer's theory were investigated. On the ceiling and the wall, mostly warm color, Y is used, and on the floor, cold colors, G and P are used. Generally the chroma is intermediate or low and the value is high, but some spaces are dim because of low brightness. In most space, the harmony of hues is used more frequently than the harmony of value and the harmony of chroma. The use of the color is monotonous without an accent color. Considering the elderly's weak eyesight, the arrangements of colors with contrast need to be encouraged. |