Title An Experimental Study on Properties of Hardened Concrete Surface Influencing Compressive Strength
Authors Cho Hyun-Jun ; Chang Hyung-Jun ; Jung Sang-Jin
Page pp.107-114
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Concrete Surface Structure ; Porosity ; Unit Volume of Concrete ; Compressive Strength ; Amount of Water Absorption
Abstract The object of this experimental study is to find the reliable relationship between the properties of hardened concrete surface and compressive strength. However concrete is heterogeneous materials and has complex microstructure, we try to make a realistic models with various types of factor for this study. Compressive strength is influenced not only by the porosity but also by the properties of hardened concrete surface. So on this study we try to prove that the amount of cumulative porosity and aggregates per unit volume of concrete can be attributed to compressive strength. The types of formwork also give an effect on the concrete surface structure which depend on the absorption of bleeding water. We also check the amount of water absorption can be influenced on the compressive strength. Finally, we analyze the microstructure of hardened concrete surface by SEM.