Title A Study on the Commercial Hanok on the Side of the Street in Namdaemuno during 1920~30's
Authors Cho Eun-Joo ; Song In-Ho
Page pp.3-12
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Namdaemunno ; Commercial Street ; Commercial Hanok
Abstract This study aims at clarifying the character of Namdaemunno(南大門路) during 1920~30's, and retracing the properties of commercial Hanok on that area. The characters of commercial Hanok on the side of the street can be arranged with four categories : size of lots, building method and material, elements of the elevation and commercial functions.Linear or square lots take a large percentage than the deep and narrow one. Most Hanoks were located in these forms of lots. The characters of building structure or material have direct relation to the elements of elevation, and the differences of Hanoks' elevation is linked to building's commercial functions. On the other hand, if these relationships are considered the other way, the modern commercial program affected the emergence of new typological Hanok and the modification of existing Hanok.